English Titles

What Should I Know about my Child's Self-Esteem?

Version française

What Should I Know about my Child's Self-Esteem?

  • ISBN papier : 9782896191437
  • ISBN PDF : 9782896193820
  • 2009 - 72 pages

- What are the components of healthy self-esteem?

- What kind of parental attitudes help build self-esteem? What attitudes can be harmful to self-esteem?

- What makes up a sense of security?

- Why is self-knowledge so important?

- Can adult expectations be harmful? Are they sometimes too extreme?

- Is it important to belong to a group? What does it give us?

- What is a sense of competency?

- What are the qualities of a competent parent?

- Is self-esteem the solution to every problem?

...and many other questions!

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