English Titles

My Child's Sexuality

Version française

My Child's Sexuality

  • ISBN papier : 9782896191499
  • ISBN PDF : 9782896193776
  • 2009 - 76 pages

- What is the difference between children's sexuality and adult sexuality?

- Why do little girls want to be Daddy's princess and boys want to be Mommy's little man?

- Why is it "boys with boys and girls with girls" when children are 6-12 years?

- My child is "in love"... What should I think and tell my child?

- When should I stop taking baths with my child?

- What do we do if our child discovers us making love?

- When and how should we talk to our child about sex?

- How can I protect my child from sexual abuse?

- What does it mean to "make love"? What are "sexual relations"?

- How are babies made?

- How do they come out of the stomach? Where do they they come out?

... and many other questions!

Sexualité, Développement psychosexuel